Table of Content Category Archives: Submitter


The Division of Taxation Tax Map Unit is excited to announce that the Digital Tax Map Review Application is now live! Previously, the Division of Taxation could only accept and review physical hard c...

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Digital file submissions

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Each dwg/dgn sheet must be exported to a dxf file. Supported versions are AutoCad2007, AutoCad2010, AutoCad2013, and AutoCad2018.   Each sheet must also be exported as a pdf using plot pen size...

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Block/Cell standards for block, lot and qualifier data

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For the system to properly extract lot information. A block/cell entity must be used on every Detail Sheet. If the Sub Sheet data is not contained in the Detail Sheets. The Sub Sheets must also use bl...

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Overview of Tax map submittal workflow

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Once a submitter has been added to a project. They will need to upload sheets into the site to begin the sheet review process. There are 4 review phases. Admin Review, Tax Map Review (TMR), Block + Lo...

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Admin Review Automated Checks

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At the beginning of a project, when files are first uploaded into the site. There are some automated checks that happen. So that the rest of the workflow in the system can run smoothly.   These...

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What’s on the project info page?


The Project Info page has a top banner which includes some basic information about this project. Such as Project Name, Municipality, Current Check Status, Sheets Count, Created Date, Submitted Date, S...

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How to use Milestones


Milestone is used to record important project events, like Project Created, 1st Check Started, 1st Check Done, Admin Review Accepted, etc. It shows a clear timeline from when a project is created to w...

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When and what kind of emails are sent?

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Throughout the life cycle of a project. Many email notifications are sent out. Below is a list of events that can initiate those emails. There is no person assigned to the email address that these not...

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