Digital file submissions

  1. Each dwg/dgn sheet must be exported to a dxf file. Supported versions are AutoCad2007, AutoCad2010, AutoCad2013, and AutoCad2018.
  2. Each sheet must also be exported as a pdf using plot pen sizes.
    1. AutoCAD: This can be done using the Publish command. Which will let you do 1 or many. 
    2. Microstation: This is done using Print Organizer, multi-sheet option.
  3. Each sheet must be named using this naming format. Pdf files should also follow this format. Mun codes can be found here Mun Codes at Taxation
    Examples using dxf files.

    1. Cover Sheet: <muncode>_000.dxf e.g. 0113_000.dxf
    2. Key Sheet Index <muncode>_000_00.dxf e.g. 0113_000_00.dxf
    3. Key Sheet: <muncode>_000_##.dxf e.g. 0113_000_01.dxf
    4. Detail Sheet: <muncode>_###.dxf e.g. 0113_001.dxf
    5. Sub Sheet: <muncode>_###_##.dxf e.g. 0113_049_01.dxf
  4. The naming of the layers must follow State of New Jersey Tax Map template.
  5. 1 Block/Cell entity must be used to capture Municipal Code, Block, Lot, Condos, Acreage and Exempt text information. More information about block entity.
  6. If Sub Sheet data is in the parent sheet. A Sub Sheet pdf still needs to be submitted.

  7. All layout entities such as title block, borderlines, corner sheet numbers, adjoining sheet text etc. Must reside in paper space/sheet layout. Only 1 paper space/sheet layout can exist in the dxf file.

  8. The base point of the layout must reside in the lower left-hand corner in paper space/sheet layout at coordinates  0,0
  9. All Xref data needs to have its Bind Type property set to “Insert” before exporting to dxf. Please make sure no adjacent or additional sheets are Xrefed when doing this.


  10. If a block/cell entity is being used for block numbers. The block must be inserted on layer V-ANNO-NUMB.


  11. If a block/cell entity is being used for the title block. The block must be inserted on layer V-ANNO-BRDR.

  12. Delete all non-required linetypes.

  13. Delete all layers from referenced drawings.

  14. Make sure that no features have a Z (elevation), value

  15. Purge all non-essential blocks

  16. Purge all non-essential layers

  17. Audit and recover drawing

  18. Run map clean to remove all duplicate lines

  19. If you are getting a “corrupted file” error message during processing. One possible cause could be invalid names. Tables, layers or line type names can not contain these characters. \\ < > / ? \ ” : ; * | , =  These characters are also not valid in AutoCAD. But these names could sneak in when being imported from other formats.